Mood Lifter

Mood Lifter!!

By Rita Gangwani on Mar 24, 2023

Most of us absolutely love music. We are compelled by it. We are provoked by it. We are moved by it. We are inspired by it. We feel connected to it. It reflects something profound about who we are and our experience of the world.Because sometimes life is really hard. Really really hard. Whether it be conflict with someone, ending a relationship, or experiencing trauma, we all have moments in which we are brought to our knees with pain, sadness, and confusion.

For people like me, music is an outlet. Just like reading and writing, I find myself getting caught up in the words, analyzing different meanings behind the verses, and trying to understand how something so beautiful could relate to me. No matter what mood you are in, there’s always a song that perfectly understands your situation and how you’re feeling. Personally, I listen to music every day and I can’t imagine what life would be like without it. There is no better feeling than hearing the right song at the right time. It doesn’t matter what the setting is, hearing the right song in that moment is one of those simple pleasures in life that instantly lifts your spirits. You could be driving home from work, hanging out with friends, or jogging.

When the right song for that moment rattles your ear drums the entire meaning of life momentarily makes complete sense.Music is a moral law. It gives soul to the universe, wings to the mind, flight to the imagination, and charm and gaiety to life and to everything.In these tough life moments, music can be a constructive way to express who you are and what you are feeling. If you are feeling particularly sad about a reality in your life, listen to a song that connects you to that emotion. If you are anxious, turn up the volume in your living room and dance around. If you are angry, grab a pillow and hit is as hard as you can while listening to your favorite lyrics.

I am not suggesting that you use music to wallow in pain or negativity; that would not be positive for your mental health or for those around you. What I am suggesting is that when we are emotionally struggling, the intellectual, verbal expression of feelings doesn’t do justice to our experience of the emotion. But it can surely help u cope in that moment. Think about it!!

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